Here –

Tell yr friends.

If I were to live within sight of the interstate, I would like to have a bed as comfortable as this, sheets as white as these are, pillows piled high for me to rest my head upon, and a window with glass as wide and thick as that one is so that I could see the cars streaking by but not hear them.

This is where I live

May 15, 2009

This is the video for a new song by local band the Kingsbury Manx. It’s the sweetest thing I’ve seen all day. There are lots of babies in strollers and dogs on leashes in the video, and there are people walking around and watching live music outside. It’s really very lovely, and watching it reminds me how nice it is to live here.

I remember when I was half as tall as I am now the three of us took the train from San Diego to somewhere beyond Kansas City, my mother, my younger sister, and me.

I remember using the toilets on the train, bleary-eyed and knocked from side to side with the movement of the train cars on the tracks. When the toilet flushed I could see daylight, I could see the hot desert ground rushing beneath the train.

Did they really flush to the ground like that? It seems unallowable, but that is a truth that I remember.